"Extended Family" is a sitcom that premiered on NBC in 2023. The show is about Jim (Jon Cryer) and Julia (Abigail Spencer), a recently divorced couple that are trying to show the world that divorce doesn't need to have so much negativity attached to it. In the process they co-parent their two children and even take turns living in the house they once shared. The arrangement gets complicated when Julia starts seeing Trey (Donald Faison), who happens to be the owner of the Boston Celtics. As a matter of fact the show was loosely based on the life of the actual owner of the Celtics, Wyc Grousbeck.
This Mike O'Malley created show has been met with less than stellar reviews thus far. With heavy criticism going towards the writing. But maybe the S1E1 guys will enjoy watching another show set in their hometown of Boston? Listen as they review the first episode of "Extended Family" and find out.
Starring: Jon Cryer, Donald Faison, Sofia Campanna, Abigail Spencer, Finn Sweeney, & Lenny Clarke
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