"Get a Life" was a sitcom that aired on the Fox network from 1990 to 1992. The show starred comedian Chris Elliott as Chris Peterson, a 30-year-old paperboy who lived with his parents. The lose premise of the show being, "What if Dennis The Menace was an adult?". The series was a departure from traditional sitcom formats and embraced a more absurd and unpredictable style. Despite its cult following, "Get a Life" faced challenges in finding a mainstream audience and was eventually canceled after two seasons.
Does Get A Life's unconventional humor line up with the somewhat offbeat humor of the S1E1 guys? Listen as they deep dive the show's first episode, "Terror on the Hell Loop 2000" and find out.
Starring: Chris Elliott, Sam Robards, Robin Riker, Elinor Donahue, Bob Elliott, & Mike Hagerty
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