"Ghosts" is a 2019 BBC One comedy series. The show revolves around a young couple who inherit a haunted country mansion and find themselves living with a diverse group of eccentric ghosts from different historical periods. The series combines humor, supernatural elements, and historical references to create a unique and entertaining story.
The show has been well received by viewers and critics alike and due to the its quick success an adaptation was created and aired in America 2 years later. Is this show a guaranteed green-light or will the S1E1 boys bury this one once and for all? Find out as they deep dive Ghosts' first episode "Who Do You Think You Are?"
Starring: Martha Howe-Douglas, Mathew Baynton, Simon Farnaby, Jim Howick, Laurence Rickard, Ben Willbond, Charlotte Ritchie, Kiell Smith-Bynoe, Lolly Adefope, & Katy Wix
Instagram & X (Twitter): @S1E1POD