"Grace Under Fire" is a sitcom that aired from 1993 to 1998. The show revolves around Grace Kelly (Brett Butler), a recently divorced mother of three, who works as a blue-collar worker in a refinery in Missouri. Despite the challenges she faces as a single parent, Grace maintains her humor and resilience while navigating the ups and downs of her personal and professional life. The series tackles various social issues and features a diverse cast of characters, providing a mix of comedy and heartfelt moments.
The show faced several challenges during its run, which ultimately led to its cancellation. One of the main reasons was the personal and professional struggles of the show's lead actress, Brett Butler. These issues affected the show's quality and consistency, causing a decline in viewership.
Despite any behind the scenes issues the show was a quick hit. Will the pilot episode win the S1E1 boys over or did it need a little more time to find its footing? Listen as they do a deep dive of the episode.
Starring: Brett Butler, Dave Thomas, Charles Hallahan, Casey Sander, Walter Olkewicz, Kaitlin Cullum, Jon Paul Steuer, Dylan Sprouse, Cole Sprouse, & Julie White
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