"Growing Pains" is an American television sitcom that originally aired from 1985 to 1992. The show revolves around the Seaver family, led by psychiatrist Jason Seaver (played by Alan Thicke) and his journalist wife Maggie (played by Joanna Kerns), who raise their three children: Mike (played by Kirk Cameron), Carol (played by Tracey Gold), and the youngest, Ben (played by Jeremy Miller).
The series follows the Seaver family as they navigate the ups and downs of everyday life, dealing with typical teenage and family issues while living in Long Island, New York. Themes of love, friendship, adolescence, and parenting are explored throughout the show's seven seasons.
Is "Growing Pains" a timeless classic like we remember or are we just looking through the lenses of nostalgia? Find out as we do a deep dive review of the pilot episode.
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