"Hardball" was a 1994 sitcom that aired on Fox. The show centered around the Pioneers, a fictional American League baseball team struggling to stay out of last place. Hardball was originally intended to be released along side of that year's World Series but a real life MLB strike prevented that from happening and instead become part of the first FOX NFL Sunday.
Despite coming off the heels of multiple successful baseball movies and the show's ensemble cast which featured Mike Starr, Bruce Greenwood, and a very young Joe Rogan (in his first acting credit). Hardball was canceled after only 7 episodes. Many contribute the timing of the strike to being a factor behind the show's low viewership. 30 years later will the S1E1 crew call this one a homerun or will it strike out? Listen as they deep dive the pilot episode.
Starring: Bruce Greenwood, Mike Starr, Joe Rogan, Phill Lewis, Dann Florek, Alenandra Wentworth, Steve Hytner, Rose Marie, & Jim Breuer
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