“Head of the Class” is a sitcom that aired from 1986 to 1991 on ABC. The show centers around a group of academically gifted students, and their laid-back history teacher, Charlie Moore (played by Howard Hesseman). Charlie’s unconventional teaching methods and his efforts to show the students that there’s more to life than just academics form the crux of the series.
“Head of the Class” received positive reception during its run, particularly for its unique premise focusing on exceptional students, which was a departure from the typical high school sitcoms of the time. The show spawned a spin-off series "Billy" and had a 2021 Reboot. Will the S1E1 boys, a group of non intellectual prodigies enjoy this one? Listen as they deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Howard Hesseman, William G. Schilling, Jeannetta Arnette, Leslie Bega, Dan Frischman, Robin Givens, Khrystyne Haje, Joher Coleman, Tony O'Dell, Brian Robbins, Dan Schneider & Tannis Vallely
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