"Herman's Head" was a sitcom that aired on the Fox network from 1991-1994. The show had unique concept, revolving around the inner thoughts and emotions of its protagonist, Herman Brooks (William Ragsdale), but here those thoughts and emotions were portrayed by 4 different characters that resided inside Herman's mind. Throughout its run, Herman navigated through various romantic relationships, friendships, and workplace scenarios, with his internal voices often providing conflicting advice and commentary. If you hear a couple familiar voices when Herman is at the office it's because two of his co-workers are played by long running Simpsons voice actors, Yeardley Smith (Lisa Simpson) & Hank Azaria (Moe, Apu, Chief Wiggum, etc).
Despite its innovative concept and initial critical acclaim, "Herman's Head" faced challenges with inconsistent scheduling and changes in time slots, which led to fluctuations in viewership. After three seasons and 72 episodes, the show was ultimately canceled in April 1994. Will the S1E1 guys enjoy watching this somewhat forgotten '90s classic? Listen as they deep dive the show's pilot episode and find out.
Starring: William Ragsdale, Hank Azaria, Jane Sibbett, Yeardley Smith, Molly Hagan, Ken Hudson Campbell
Rick Lawless, Peter MacKenzie, Jason Bernard, Edward Winter, & Corinne Bohrer
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