"Living Biblically" was a sitcom that premiered on CBS in February 2018. The show follows Chip Curry (Jay R Ferguson), a film critic who, after the death of his best friend, decides to live his life exactly as it's written in The Bible. As result Chip has to overcome the difficulties faced with having a modern life that's based around the litteral interpertation of an ancient book.
Despite an interesting premise and talented cast, "Living Biblically" received mixed reviews from critics and struggled to find an audience. It was canceled by CBS after only eight episodes. Did the network get it right or will the S1E1 guys decide to give the show hige praise? Listen as they deep dive the pilot episode and find out.
Starring: Jay R Ferguson, Lindsey Kraft, Tony Rock, Ian Gomez, David Krumholtz, Camryn Manheim and Sara Gilbert
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