“Making History” is a sitcom that aired on FOX in 2017. The series stars Adam Pally as Dan Chambers, a janitor at a Massachusetts college who discovers a time machine made out of a gym bag. In his travels Dan takes a liking to colonial times where he meets and develops a relationship with Paul Revere's daughter, Deborah (played by Leighton Meester). This romance changes the course of American history because Deborah's father is too distracted to go on his infamous ride. Dan then recruits his co-worker Chris, (played by Yassir Lester) to help get the American Revolution back on track.
Despite decent reviews the show failed to find its audience and was canceled after one season. Is Making History a hidden gem or should it stay in the past? Find out as the boys deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Adam Pally, Leighton Meester, Yassir Lester, John Gemberling, Neil Casey, & Brett Gelman
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