“Melissa & Joey” is a sitcom that aired on ABC Family from 2010 to 2015. The show stars Melissa Joan Hart as Melanie “Mel” Burke, a local politician and former wild child who takes in her teenage niece, Lennox (Taylor Spreitler), and nephew, Ryder (Nick Robinson). To help manage her new responsibilities, Mel hires Joe Longo (Joey Lawrence), a former commodities trader who lost everything in a Ponzi scheme, to be the family’s “manny” (male nanny).
“Melissa & Joey” received generally positive reviews during its run, particularly for the chemistry between Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence. The show was praised for its lighthearted humor which was reminiscent of classic sitcoms. Does this show pass the test of time or is it just a cheap copy of show like "Who's The Boss" and "The Nanny". Listen as the S1E1 boys deep dive the pilot episode and find out.
Starring: Melissa Joan Hart, Joey Lawrence, Taylor Spreitler, Nick Robinson, Elizabeth Ho, Don Stark, & Vernee Watson
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