"Mr. Iglesias" is a Netflix original sitcom that revolves around the life of Gabriel Iglesias, a high school teacher with a passion for education and a knack for connecting with his students. Gabe returns to his alma mater, Woodrow Wilson High School, as a history teacher. Despite his unconventional teaching methods, Gabe is determined to make a difference in the lives of his students.
Will this be the first time the S1E1 guys green-light a Netflix original sitcom or will this one fall short like all the others. Listen as they deep dive the pilot episode for Mr. Iglesias, "Some Children Left Behind" and find out.
Starring: Gabriel Iglesias, Oscar Nunez, Oscar Nunez, Sherri Shepherd, Jacob Vargas, Tony Ochoa, Maggie Geha, Richard Gant, Cree Cicchino, & Fabrizio Guido
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