“Mrs. Brown’s Boys” is a sitcom created by and starring Brendan O’Carroll who plays Agnes Brown, a loud-mouthed Irish matriarch who loves meddling in the lives of her six children. The show first premiered in 2011 on BBC1 and RTÉ1 but the character of Agnes Brown had already been established in stage plays, radio plays, books, and straight-to-DVD films.
The series is known for its informal production style, often breaking the fourth wall and including outtakes and intentional tomfoolery. While this style doesn't seem to land with critics who have often given the show poor reviews, it has been a ratings success in numerous countries and has won several industry awards. Will the S1E1 guys side with the critics or the fans? Listen as they deep dive the show's pilot episode, "The Mammy".
Starring: Brendan O'Carroll, Dermot O'Neill, Jennifer Gibney, Paddy Houlihan, Derek Reddin, Fiona O'Carroll, Eilish O'Carroll, & Amanda Woods
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