"New Girl" is a show about a bubbly and quirky teacher in her early 30s named Jess who finds herself living in a loft with three men she found in an ad due to abruptly moving out of her old apartment after catching her boyfriend cheating. The show was inspired by its creator, Elizabeth Meriwether's experiences bouncing from Craigslist sublet to Craigslist sublet, for four years in L.A. when she was in her twenties. Originally working under the title "Chicks & Dicks" the show originally was meant to be more of a "Will & Grace" style comedy before evolving into the more socially oriented version that it became.
After an impressive seven season run does revisiting the show's pilot episode help us see why this show was such a huge hit with a loyal following or are we left leaving comments that will force us to feed the Douchebag Jar. Listen and find out.
Starring: Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson, Max Greenfield, Damon Wayans Jr., Hannah Simone, & Mary Elizabeth Ellis
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