"Out of This World" was a sitcom that aired from 1987 to 1991. The premise of the show centers around a teenage girl named Evie who on her 13th Birthday discovers that her father is an alien. The show featured Donna Pescow as Evie's mother, and secretly featured Burt Reynolds as her father. The show followed Evie's adventures as she balanced teenage life with the secrets of her extraterrestrial heritage.
While "Out of This World" may not be as well-remembered as some other sitcoms of the era, it had a dedicated fan base and was known for its blend of science fiction and family comedy elements. Will the S1E1 boys enjoy this one or is it better left on another planet? Find out as they deep dive the show's first episode, "Evie's 13th Birthday".
Starring: Maureen Flannigan, Donna Pescow, Joe Alaskey, Doug McClure, & Burt Reynolds
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