"Rodney" is an ABC sitcom that aired from 2004-2006. The show stars Rodney Carrington as a fictionalized version of himself. The series is set in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and follows Rodney, a down-to-earth, aspiring stand-up comedian who balances his pursuit of a comedy career with his responsibilities as a husband and father of two young sons.
"Rodney" received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. The show struggled with ratings and was ultimately canceled after two seasons. Despite its short run, "Rodney" has maintained a certain charm and continues to be enjoyed by fans of Rodney Carrington's comedy. Was Rodney funny enough to have a more successful run? Listen as the S1E1 boys deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Rodney Carrington, Jennifer Aspen, Amy Pietz, Nick Searcy, Oliver Davis, Matthew Josten, Jon Reep, Mac Davis, John Marshall Jones, & Eddie Montgomery
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