“Selfie” is a sitcom that aired in 2014. The show stars Karen Gillan as Eliza Dooley, a sales representative obsessed with achieving fame through social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. After an embarrassing viral video, she realizes that online “friending” is not a substitute for real friendships. She seeks help from her co-worker, Henry Higgs (played by John Cho), a marketing image guru, to revamp her image in the real world.
The series is a modern adaptation of the classic story “Pygmalion” by George Bernard Shaw, which was also popularized by the musical “My Fair Lady.” Despite being canceled mid-season by ABC, the remaining episodes were released online on Hulu. The show received mixed reviews initially but gained a following as more episodes were released. Is Selfie the kind of show that will get the S1E1 boys to hit the like button? Listen as they deep dive the show's pilot episode and find out.
Starring: Karen Gillan, John Cho, Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Allyn Rachel, David Harewood, & Tim Peper
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