“Single Parents” is a sitcom that aired on ABC from 2018 - 2020. The series begins with Will Cooper, a single dad in his 30s who's become so engrossed in the world of parenting his daughter that he’s lost sight of his own identity. When a group of other single parents notice Will’s over-involvement at the school, they band together to help him re-enter the dating scene and regain his identity.
The show was well-received for its relatable characters and situations, and for touching on the challenges and joys of raising children alone. Despite its positive reception and a dedicated fan base, the series was canceled after its second season. Did this show deserve a longer run? Was it a victim of bad advertising? Or was it just not strong enough to break out? Listen as the boys deep dive Single Parent's Pilot episode
Starring: Taran Killam, Leighton Meester, Kimrie Lewis, Jake Choi, Marlow Barkley, Tyler Wladis, Devin Trey Campbell, Mia Allan, Ella Allan, & Brad Garrett
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