"Splitting Up Together" is a comedy series that aired on ABC from 2018 to 2019. The premise revolves around a married couple, Lena (Jenna Fischer) and Martin (Oliver Hudson), who decide to divorce but choose to continue living in the same house for the sake of their three children. The unique arrangement has the two taking turns living in the house with the kids, while the other stays in the garage apartment. The show humorously explores the challenges and benefits of their unconventional living situation, while highlighting the importance of communication and compromise in relationships. ABC cancelled the series after two seasons. Listen as the S1E1 guys deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Jenna Fischer, Oliver Hudson, Bobby Lee, Diane Farr, Lindsay Price, Olivia Keville, Van Crosby, Sander Thomas, Kelsey Asbille, & Geoff Pierson
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