“Stark Raving Mad” is a sitcom that aired on NBC from 1999-2001. The show stars Tony Shalhoub as Ian Stark, an eccentric horror novelist known for his practical jokes, and Neil Patrick Harris as Henry McNeely, a neurotic book editor who is assigned to work with Stark. The series revolves around the odd-couple dynamic between the two main characters.
Despite the star power of its lead actors and being ranked 19th among all programs with an average of 15.5 million viewers, the show was canceled after one season. Stark Raving Mad even won a People's Choice Award for Favorite New Television Comedy. Was the cancelation of this show a wild mistep by its network? Listen as the boys deep dive the show's pilot episode to find out.
Starring: Tony Shalhoub, Neil Patrick Harris, Eddie McClintock, Heather Paige Kent, Stanley DeSantis, & Harriet Sansom Harris
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