Struck by Lightning is a short-lived American sitcom that aired on CBS in 1979. The plot revolves around Ted, a modern-day science teacher who inherits an inn in Maine. Soon after Ted arrives he finds out that he is a descendant of Dr. Frankenstein and the inn's groundskeeper "Frank" is the legendary reanimated monster.
Struck by Lightning struggled to find an audience and was canceled after only 3 of the 11 episodes made it to air. Though it wasn't a success, Struck by Lightning remains a quirky footnote in television history for its unusual blending of sitcom humor and the Frankenstein mythos. Should this show stayed burried in the past or should it be brought back to life? Find out when the S1E1 guys deep dive the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Jack Elam, Jeffrey Kramer, Millie Slavin, Jeff Cotler, Richard Stahl, & Bill Erwin
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