From its debut in in 1985 all the way to modern day "The Golden Girls" has remained a staple in modern television. Despite the fact that the series finale first aired over 20 years ago the show manages to remain just as relevant in pop culture now than it was then. All this despite being a show about a group of older women. The show centered around a 4 women who all ended up living together in Miami after finding themselves either divorced or widowed, a concept that may not initially leap out at you as comedic gold. But the real core of the show is the bond these women had created and their strong friendship which in turn is relatable to viewers all ages.
The show had an interesting origin. One year prior to its debut NBC held a presentation to help promote the network’s programming to potential advertisers. At this presentation actresses Doris Roberts and Selma Diamond performed a sketch in which they parodied the network's hit show "Miami Vice" where they played two retirees playing cards in a Florida community and named it "Miami Nice". The sketch was a hit among its audience and as result the execs at NBC decided to take the concept and develop it into the show we know how as The Golden Girls.
Despite the show's popularity and fan base was the show an instant hit right from episode one? Listen as the S1E1 guys do a deep dive on the show's pilot episode, "The Engagement".
Starring: Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, & Estelle Getty