The Hotwives of Orlando is a 2014 Hulu Original comedy series. The show spoofs on reality shows like The Real Housewives, focusing on a fictional group of women in Orlando who lead extravagant, dramatic lives. Each character embodies a different reality TV stereotype, from the ditzy trophy wife to the volatile diva, and the show follows their ridiculous feuds, parties, and over-the-top personal dramas.
Critics generally appreciated The Hotwives for its clever satire and comedic performances, especially by the ensemble cast, though it remained a niche favorite. Its commitment to skewering reality TV conventions earned it praise from fans of parody and satire. Can a show like this be appreciated by a group of guys who generally don't watch the genre that The Hotwives of Orlando is parodying? Listen as they deep dive the show's first episode, "Meet The Hotwives".
Starring: Casey Wilson, Angela Kinsey, Danielle Schneider. Tymberlee Hill, Andrea Savage, Kristen Schaal, Matt Besser, Jerry Minor, Joey McIntyre, Paul Scheer, Stephen Tobolowsky, & Jeff Hiller
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