“The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret” is a 2010 black comedy television series created by and starring David Cross that aired on IFC (US), & More4 (UK). The show follows Todd Margaret, an inept American office temp who, through a series of misunderstandings, is promoted to head the London sales team for an energy drink called Thunder Muscle.
The series received mixed reviews, with praise for its dark humor and David Cross’s performance, but some criticism for its sometimes uncomfortable and cringe-inducing situations. On paper this looks like a show that's right up the S1E1 boy's alley, but will it meet expectations or is there a reason none of them ever saw it? Listen as they deep dive the show's pilot episode, "In Which Claims Are Made and a Journey Ensues".
Starring: David Cross, Sharon Horgan, Blake Harrison, Will Arnett, & Spike Jones
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