The Single Guy was a sitcom starring Jonathan Silverman as a struggling New York writer attempting to manage his way through the dating scene. The show premiered in 1995 on NBC and was immediately thrown into its Thursday night "Must See TV" lineup. The show was given the opportunity of a lifetime when thrown in the 8:30 timeslot placing it right in between the networks two biggest hits, "Friends" & "Seinfeld". The show however was written-off as one in a long line of "singles in the city" sitcoms that emerged in the mid-1990s. After only two seasons The Single Guy was dropped by its network, leaving it as one of the most highly rated shows to ever be canceled.
Was the show just a product of "right place, right time" or did it have enough substance to survive on its own? Find out as we do a deep dive into the show's pilot episode.
Starring: Jonathan Silverman, Jessica Hecht, Mark Moses, Joey Slotnick, Ming-Na Wen, Ernest Borgnine, Jeff Bornstein, Olivia d'Abo and Larry Miller