“Tires” is a workplace comedy from creators Shane Gillis, John McKeever, and Steve Gerben. The show was self funded but was soon picked up by Netflix and aired May 2024. Tires centers around the employees of Valley Forge Tires, a struggling auto-repair chain. The series centers around Will, the son of the Valley Forge's owner who is currently running one of the chain's underperforming locations. Will is attempting to turn the business around but keeps getting in his own way, that is when his cousin Shane isn't already in his way.
Originally a pilot for Tires was shot and uploaded to YouTube back in 2019. But now on the heels of Shane Gillis' rise to fame the show is now a reality with a home on the world's largest streaming site. Will the show live up to the hype, or is it just relying on the name recognition of one of the show's creators and stars. Find out as the boys deep dive the series first episode, "The Initiative".
Starring: Shane Gillis, Steve Gerben, Chris O'Connor, Kilah Fox, Stavros Halkias, Tommy Pope, & Andrew Schulz
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