"Welcome Back, Kotter" was a classic sitcom that first premiered on September 9, 1975, on the ABC network. The show was created by Gabe Kaplan, who also played the character, Gabe Kotter, a former Sweathog who returns to his alma mater to teach a group of underprivileged students. Kaplan drew on his own experiences growing up in Brooklyn to create the show's setting and characters. The Sweathogs, a group of lovable but misguided students were based on his own high school friends. A young John Travolta was cast as the charismatic lead Sweathog, Vinnie Barbarino. The show even took on a second life in the 90's when reruns were aired as part of "Kotter Fridays" on Nick at Nite.
"Welcome Back, Kotter" was an instant hit with audiences, drawing in large viewership numbers and earning critical acclaim for its humor and relatable characters. It was a groundbreaking sitcom that tackled serious issues such as poverty, race, and social class while still delivering laugh-out-loud moments. Its enduring popularity has made it a classic of 1970s television, and its influence can still be felt in many modern sitcoms today. Listen in as the S1E1 boys do a deep dive on the shows first televised episode, "The Great Debate".
Starring: Gabe Kaplan, Marcia Strassman, John Sylvester White, Robert Hegyes, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, Ron Palillo, John Travolta, Debralee Scott, & James Woods
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