🏔️ The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage
🗺️ Saint Valentine - Episode Five: With Eyes to See
Valentine and Eusebius request the body of Daria for its proper burial in the catacombs. But Placidus insists that she must remain among the criminals. Valentine and Eusebius take matters into their own hands. What happens next will make Bishop Valentine an enduring example of the true meaning of love.
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In a culture that has abandoned God, families struggle to find beautiful, faith-affirming stories to inspire their children. The Saints: Adventures of Faith and Courage provides thrilling and inspiring stories to ignite your family’s pursuit of virtue and holiness. Join us for a new 5-Episode adventure every week!
🚦 Rating: 7+
Valentine chooses to take responsibility for the actions of his congregation, taking on Placidus’ ire. He remains patient in the face of his coming death. Austerius makes a difficult decision, but follows the truth instead of worldly authority.
This episode contains moments of intensity and raised voices. A character’s death and burial are mentioned. A character is scourged. Valentine is threatened with violence. A character is sentenced to death.
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