“2% of the people think, 3% think they think and 95% would rather die than think.”
How do you get people to get back to their most abundant thinking? (1:23)
Which are the hardest faculties to master? (4:39)
What happens when we try to resist in our life? (9:41)
What should we be thinking about the most right now? (11:41)
Why do we feed people what scares them? (18:11)
What is the path from doubt to confidence? (20:31)
How do we reshape our self image to serve us? (25:21)
What is the one idea or concept to get yourself to another level? (30:11)
What was a lesson from the WWII era that we could learn in this quarantine? (40:11)
How important is writing down what we think everyday is important? (44:19)
What routines would you go back and tell yourself to do thirty years ago? (47:23)
How can those listening get more mentorship from you? (51:21)
How we grow up through our five senses (3:12)
How to view expansion and creation as God’s work (10:01)
How faith over fear is key to success (12:11)
The steps of fear bringing us to disintegration (15:47)
How opposition is key to understanding the world (17:09)
Why learning and growing is forever (31:14)
How the purpose of life is learning who you are (36:42)
How programming yourself with something new can be very powerful (45:15)
The secret of why helping others is better than helping yourself (49:10)
How intuition informs us everyday (57:36)
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
Lectures on Mental Science by Thomas Troward
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
You Squared by Price Pritchett
In Tune with the Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine
If you enjoyed this episode, show notes and more at http://www.lewishowes.com/950 and follow at instagram.com/lewishowes