Ellen Winner is a retired Professor of Psychology at Boston College and Senior Research Associate at Harvard's Project Zero. She’s one of the world's leading experts in the psychology of art. She's studied the development of artistic abilities in childhood; how to teach art in high school; and what goes on in the mind when people are making art and perceiving art. She's also studied giftedness, dyslexia, left brain and right brain differences, and Alzheimer’s.
She's the author or co-author of ten books, including three that we talk about in the episode: Invented Worlds: The Psychology of the Arts (1982), and How Art Works: A Psychological Exploration (2019). She's probably best-known for her 2007 book Studio Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education (2007).
For more information:
Keith Sawyer’s review of Ellen Winner’s career
Music by license from SoundStripe:
"Uptown Lovers Instrumental" by AFTERNOONZ
"Miss Missy" by AFTERNOONZ
"What's the Big Deal" by Ryan Saranich
Copyright (c) 2024 Keith Sawyer