The Baden-Powell Faceook page isn’t being updated anymore, but back when it was still actively being posted to, the team behind it posed an interesting question:
“Scouting is a brotherhood – a scheme which, in practice, disregards differences of class, creed, country and colour, through the undefinable spirit that pervades it: the spirit of God’s gentleman.” - #BadenPowell
How has your exposure to Scouts from other countries influenced your worldview?
Ken and Colin attempt to give an answer!
A first shout-out this week goes to TheStrider, a Scouter with the 2nd Smiths Falls group, who has a sweet thing going with his local Subway establishment, and who has been working to get his group moved onto a shared Microsoft Office 365 non-profit tenancy.
Additionally, Dan Tapley’s council, Battlefields Council, has partnered with Canadian Blood Services via their Partners for Life program. Can Scouts donate 50 units of blood in 2022?
And Ken’s wife Grace (and her sister Mary) get a shout-out as well, for proposing (?) a leech therapy badge. #NursingHumour
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod