Ken and Colin, not having a specific topic to cover this week, take some time to respond to some messages that listeners of the podcast have sent in.
First up, we hear from J.P. Toruksni and the 36th Ottawa Cubs, whose outdoor winter challenge came to a close a few months ago. J.P. sent us a voicemail, which you’ll hear in this episode; you too can send us messages in this way, and we’ll happily work them in!
Next, we hear from Dan Tapley, who sent us an email with some comments on our episode about sleeping bags.
And finally, from across the Atlantic Ocean, we hear from Grainne O’Carroll, who writes in from the Banba Cubs of the 8th Port Sea Scouts, based out of Dun Laoghaire in Ireland.
In a way, this whole episode is a shout-out, to J.P. Toruksni, Dan Tapley, and Grainne O’Carroll. Thanks again, all of you, for getting in touch with us!
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod