The Screenwriting Life with Meg LeFauve and Lorien McKenna
It's a GREATEST HITS Episode. We've had such amazing guests, that we wanted to curate some of their best moments. Enjoy!
1:20 - John August on Important Rules For Worldbuildling (Ep 35)
6:09 - Marti Noxon on Writing Samples That Will Get You Staffed (Ep 40)
9:05 - Sheila Hanahan Taylor On Rookie Mistakes (Ep 42/43)
17:33 - Kemp Powers on When To “Break The Rules” in Your Writing (Ep 36)
20:15 - Andrew Stanton On The Differences Between Storytelling and Writing (Ep 39)
25:31 - Ed Solomon On The Essential Value Of Rewriting (Ep 32)
31:12 - Mike Jones On Overcoming Stage Fright During Pitches (Ep 25)
34:24 - Kemp Powers On Dealing With Bigotry and Racism in Hollywood (Ep 36)
41:12 - Bonnie Curtis and Julie Lynn On What Makes Great Writing (Ep 23)
Thank you to Jess Fisher for putting this episode together!
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