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Episode show notes:
In this episode, Benedikt Hain & Malcom Owen-Flood are diving deep into the world of snare compression and exploring how you can use this powerful tool to bring out the best in your snare drum recordings.
The snare is the heartbeat of your music, and getting it to cut through the mix with clarity and impact is essential. That's where compression comes in.
Join Benedikt & Malcom as they unlock valuable insights and techniques they use to harness the power of snare compression and elevate your drum sound to new heights.
Here's what’s covered in this episode:
Parallel compression and advanced snare compression techniques.
Malcom and Benedikt also discuss their go-to compressor types and plugins for the job:
You’ll also find useful tips on how to avoid the pitfalls and overcome common compression mistakes that can hinder your sound when using snare compression.
By the end of this episode, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to apply snare compression effectively in your recordings. Whether you're an experienced producer or a self-recording musician, these techniques will help you take your snare sound to a whole new level.
For full show notes go to:
If you have any questions, feedback, topic ideas or want to suggest a guest, email us at: [email protected]