Hello friends and loyal listeners!
As you hopefully know, this week, we've launched our first ever mixing course, Mixes Unpacked.
It will be available at an absolute no-brainer of a price during our early-bird offer (goes away March 30th).
We have zero doubt that this is gonna get you results, BUT since we've opened the doors, we got a couple of questions from people who want to make sure this course is a good fit for them (or not). So we'll do my best to answer them right now.
Can we buy this as a band and share the costs between the band members?
Yes of course! The program (and everything we do) is designed for self-recording artists and bands! Our goal is not to squeeze as much money as possible out of every single person, but to help as many bands/artists, as possible.
However, if you buy as a band, you'll still get one account and only that one account can access the program. But you can consume the content together and you can bring your bandmates to the Q&A session. We won't kick anyone out for doing that and we just trust you that you will only share it with your bandmates and not anyone else.
So, sure, be smart about that. If you split the costs between all the band members, each of you will pay less for this course than you've probably spent on coffee or pizza last week.
I'm busy and it's gonna be a while until I record or mix again. Should I still join now?
Well that's up to you. Just know that prices will go up next week and we might even close the doors entirely for a while after that.
You will need some time anyway to go trough all the material, prepare and implement everything and you have lifetime access, including future updates or additions.
Also, the live Q&A session will be recorded, so you don't have to be there if you can't make it. You can leave questions in advance, so we can answer them and even if you don't, you'll get insane value out of the replay and our answers to all the other questions.
So you can go through it at your own pace and there's no risk if you decide to jump on the opportunity right now.
How much time do I need to set aside for this?
You can go through the video course at your own pace. The Q&A is the only scheduled thing, but there's going to be a replay. How long the Q&A takes, depends on how many questions we get.
Again, if you can't participate live, don't worry. You can submit questions in advance and watch the replay of the meetup later.
There's a lot that we show you in this course and it's pretty dense, so it will take you at least a few days until you've watched everything and took notes and then it's up to you to practice and implement everything.
Whether you do it in real time, or binge through and then implement step-by-step is up to you. However you end up doing it - In the end you will make better records. Period.
There is some more questions we answered, but you'll have to listen to the episode to hear them!
Hopefully these answers help you determine if Mixes Unpacked is the right fit for you.
You can get all the details (including what sweet bonuses you get) right here.
And remember you can try out the program risk free for 30 days to make SURE you love it and that it's the right course for you.
See you on the inside!
-Benedikt & Malcom
P.S. Join before Mar
If you have any questions, feedback, topic ideas or want to suggest a guest, email us at: [email protected]