The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer
President Biden announces his plan to buy 200 million more coronavirus vaccine doses. Biden also promises to have enough coronavirus vaccines for all 300 million Americans by the end of the summer. He also says that the coronavirus vaccine distribution will be increasing by 1.4 million doses next week and that the coronavirus "vaccine program was in worse shape than we anticipated."
The CDC publishes a study that says in-person learning with minimal covid-19 spread is possible with the right precautions.
Senators have been sworn in for Trump's historic second impeachment trial. Senators also vote 55-45 against questioning trial's constitutionality. Five GOP senators have voted with democrats on impeachment procedural vote. A source says that house managers are preparing a case showing visceral evidence of insurrection and that will make constitutionality central in the impeachment case.
CNN is reporting that at least 150 suspects in the January 6 Capitol riot has been charged by the feds. Federal investigators are seeking tips about a person who planted pipe bombs on the day of the Capitol riot.
According to the White House, Biden confronted Putin over several issues on their first call.
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