Unveiling the Illusion: A Renowned Parapsychologist's Unexpected Journey into Reality's Depths. Brace yourselves as Howard Eisenberg, a man whose insatiable curiosity led him from science fiction novels to groundbreaking research, takes us on an awe-inspiring exploration. But little did he know that his path would take an extraordinary twist in 2018, when quantum mechanics, comparative religion, and neurological findings collided in his mind. Prepare to be astonished as Howard reveals the shocking truth behind our perception of reality, leaving us questioning everything we thought we knew. What secrets lie beyond this illusory veil? Stay tuned for an eye-opening journey into the depths of consciousness.
“When we're caught in our belief system, it obscures or distorts the greater reality.”
- Howard Eisenberg
In this episode, you will be able to: - Explore the depths of reality and discover the truth behind the illusion we live in.
- Unlock the power of imagination and witness how it has shaped scientific discoveries and inventions throughout history.
- Discover the incredible influence of belief on shaping our reality and tap into the astounding power of the placebo effect.
- Learn to differentiate between feelings and knowing, and expand your awareness to a whole new level of understanding.
- Realize the profound importance of love and connection, while exploring the consequences of fear and hate on our spiritual growth.
For a lot more information about this episode, visit our website for full show notes and corresponding articles:
https://www.skepticmetaphysician.com/blog/reality/ Resources:Dr. Eisenberg’s Book
https://www.amazon.com/Dream-Do-Science-Howard-Eisenberg/dp/1737916908 Support the Show:Rate/review Us Here:https://lovethepodcast.com/SkepticMetaphysicians Purchase Merchandise: https://www.skepticmetaphysician.com/store Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SkepticMetaphys Connect With The Skeptic Metaphysicians:Website:
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