It took Mon two hours to get her baby to sleep at night … and then within an HOUR, she was back in there.
Welcome to our Sleep Stories episode where we’ll be sitting down with REAL mums to talk about their sleep journey so far and the solutions they implemented to get that good night's sleep we’ve all been dreaming of.
Today’s mumma is Monica who has eight-year-old twins and reached out when her 7.5-month-old just WOULDN’T stay asleep. She was up between 4-6 times a night and day sleeps were virtually non-existent … Mon had tried EVERYTHING including all of the tools she learnt whilst she was at a mother-baby sleep unit with her twins, but no luck.
Within 3 nights of working with us Amber was a new child, Mon could have her cup of tea and watch Masterchef with her husband and twins and has EVEN had Amber resettle and sleep through workmen DRILLING on the tin roof above her room.
Sounds too good to be true? We’ll take you behind the scenes to share with you exactly how this happened and the journey along the way.
You’ll hear:
✨What a hospital stay is ACTUALLY like
✨How to navigate DAY SLEEPS when you have older children with BUSY schedules
✨The reason old-school SLEEP TRAINING didn’t work
… and a whole lot more!
Are you currently in the trenches? We got you, Mumma!