SPOILER ALERT: Brad and Corey discuss all the ins and outs of side-scrolling adventure game Gris from 01:12:10 - 01:37:07 in this show. If you don't want to be spoiled, please avoid this section. We give an audio warning on the show before we deep dive.
Happy New Year! New Year, Same Us as Brad and Corey record a New Year's Eve show and discuss several games. Corey pulls some curveballs and delivers some games Brad wasn't expecting and Brad updates us on some recent titles before they jump into a spoiler section about Gris. They also discuss what they did for Christmas, Corey picking and choosing what he cares about in the world, relationship dynamics and more!
Castlevania Symphony of the Night: 08:38
Salt & Sanctuary: 11:49
Subnautica: 26:48
The Count Lucanor: 38:41
A Case of Distrust: 59:33
Gris: 01:10:34
Closing: 01:37:15
Banter: 01:39:42
GRIS Spoiler Area: 01:12:10 - 01:37:07