This week Brad and Corey discuss Shacht, Hellblade (Corey finally beat it!), The Council and North. Corey does a developer spotlight on Outlands Games and talks about several of their games. For banter, they discuss Corey's gross eye rash, Call me by Your Name, Jessica Jones Season 2, Brad's hilarious run-in with static electricity and more.
Opening Housekeeping: 01:45
Nintendo Direct: 7:45
Shacht: 18:23
Hellblade: 26:05
The Council: 35:04
North: 55:20
Outlands Games Overview: 1:14:05
Conquest: 1:15:45
The Womb: 1:17:28
Pictures of a Reasonably Documented Year: 1:18:40
Dammerung: 1:20:17
Closing: 1:29:00
Banter: 1:32:00