The witch wound is an inherited, collective trauma that many of us carry and that usually manifests as a fear of being seen, speaking up, and stepping into your full magic and power.
In this episode, I cover:
If you're ready to heal the witch wound, your fear of being seen and the blocks that are holding you back from stepping into your power - click the link below to sign up for my *free* past life and witch wound healing session "Breaking Free":
For more inspiring content, follow me on Instagram @chiaranaala:
If you're ready to go deeper or you want to know what working with me is like, sign up for one or several of my free offerings:
*Free* Cosmic Connection Meditation:
*Free* Open to Receive Meditation to strengthen your intuition, deepen the connection with your soul & your guides, raise your vibration and open up to receiving:
*Free* 2-day immersion Soul Awakening:
*Free* Codes Of Isis to reconnect with your psychic abilities, ignite your priestess blueprint and awaken your mystical self while anchoring in your highest timeline:
* Free* Womb Healing Session Sacred Womb: