In this episode with award-winning author, artist, ritualist Day Schildkret we explore the power of rituals to help us feel more grounded, safe, connected and alive.
- Learning how to slow down to enjoy and celebrate life
- Combining rituals + your unique astrology
- Tips to access creativity
- Day's personal rituals
- Rituals for manifesting
- Nature Connection for more calm, embodiment and connection
- What is a ritual? Where did rituals come from, and why do we need them? How are they different from routines?
- Wonder for renewing a sense of awe, curiosity and aliveness
Day Schildkret is an award-winning queer author, artist, ritualist, teacher and is internationally known for Morning Altars, a practice in nature, art and ritual. Day is the founder and principle instructor of the Morning Altars Teacher Training and his most recent book is "Hello, Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration and Change" (Simon & Shuster). CONNECT WITH DAY:
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