What is the Soul of Christianity?
Soul (noun) 1. the emotional part of human nature; the seat of the feelings or sentiments 2. the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans 3. the animating principle; the essential element or part of something
On this podcast we get to the essential element of Christianity as Debi Winrich has sought out a few of her friends and acquaintances to help her get to the “soul” of Christianity in a way that is both intellectually stimulating and also accessible. Some podcasts can cater to the academic crowd and leave the layperson scratching their head, or they can hold long held traditions in contempt for lack of understanding. Rather than play to either the professional or lay crowd, we decided we would bring them together. Debi brought her many talents to the show, chief among them, to call out the professor, theologian or pastor who obfuscates, uses big words, and sometimes seems to miss the point. And to keep us focused, we chose the original creed of the early church: the Apostles Creed. Debi has interviewed 12 professors, pastors and theologians, and interspersed her conversations with her producer, Dr. Daniel van Voorhis (of the Virtue in the Wasteland podcast) as they help us get to the Soul of Christianity.