Dr. Giorgia Quadrato is Assistant Professor of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Southern California. Her research focuses on brain developmental and neural organoids. She talks about protocols for generating cerebellar organoids, including those with functional Purkinje cells. She also discusses a transcriptomic atlas of neural organoids and the stem cell research landscape in California. (34:52)
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The Stem Cell Science Round Up
Liver Cell Fate Plasticity – Researchers identified PROX1 as a safeguard to prevent liver tumorigenesis. (1:48)
Hepatocyte Gene Editing – Repair Drive is a platform technology for selectively expanding homology-directed repair-corrected hepatocytes in adult mice. (10:05)
Autologous Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s – An autologous phase I clinical trial is underway to treat eight Parkinson’s disease patients. (17:13)
Brain Tumor Organoids – Individualized patient tumor organoids revealed drug response patterns and underlying resistance mechanisms in brain cancers. (26:54)
Image courtesy of Dr. Giorgia Quadrato