Have you heard the term boundaries before? I hadn’t before I became a stepmom. But over the years, I’ve realized how important they are to my health – and to my family. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
Have you heard the term boundaries before? I hadn’t before I became a stepmom. But over the years, I’ve realized how important they are to my health – and to my family. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today.
Resources Discussed In This Episode:
Episode 4 of The Stepmom Diaries Podcast: This episode will give you all the deets on why stepmom self-care looks different and how you can make sure you're putting your needs back on the front burner.
Episode 10 of The Stepmom Diaries Podcast: This episode features and interview with Magriet Steyn and dives into mindful meditation and why it's such a great tool for stepmoms to use to take care of themselves.
I've got a fantastic exercise on boundaries included as part of a FREE Masterclass, called, "The Three Stepmom Lies Keeping You From A Blended Family Life You Love." You can register for the masterclass HERE.
And Don’t forget . . .
The BLENDED Family Formula Course – The next class is open! And you can join HERE!