How Do You Move Forward When Things Get Tough?
Balancing all the stepfamily things can be really overwhelming. And if you're like me, sometimes you just want to crawl back into bed and hit the "fast forward" button until things are calmer. Except they don't ever really get calmer, do they?
Today’s guest, Michelle Wolfe, is in tune with that emotion. She’s the host of the Muve Forward podcast, investor, and founder of MUVE Life Activewear.
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About Michelle:
Losing her Mom to cancer as a child inspired Michelle to dedicate her life, to learning as much as possible about how to live a life that is both healthy and fulfilled. She’s made it her mission to inspire others to take time to slow down and get in tune with their body, mind, and soul so that they too, can learn what it is that they need to move through any challenge they may be facing.
And she’s done just that through her podcast, her amazing activewear line, and in her stepmom life. Michele knows that when we can relate to others and feel their heartache, but also receive the energy from their light, we can start on our own healing journey.
Throughout her 11 years as a Massage Therapist and years of self-development and mindset work, she’s learned that one of the best ways to adapt to our ever-changing lives, is to just keep moving forward. Making one decision at a time, and taking one step at a time. She’s the first to admit though, that it's not always an easy road. That’s why she created a community where people can feel safe to share their stories of struggle and also what they found helped them grow and shift to get through it. Because when we can relate to others and feel their heartache, but also receive the energy from their light, we too can start on our own healing journey.
Michelle is the host of The MUVE Forward Podcast, the founder of MUVE Life Activewear, a Stepmom, partner, and an investor.
She speaks on topics such as mindset, self-development, health and wellness, and more. Michelle likes to deploy a good-vibes-only mindset wherever she goes.
You can find Michelle:
Her website:
Her Muve Life Activewear Line:
Instagram @themichellewolfe