That's what we're talking about in today's episode with CEO and co-founder of the High Conflict Institute, Megan Hunter, another "three-peat" guest (Episode 27 and Episode 59) and speaker at this year's Stepmom Summit (which is coming up April 25-28th - you can get on the waitlist for doors to open HERE).
Megan will give us a bit of a preview of what she and Bill Eddy will discuss when they appear together at the Summit in a few weeks - and, as always, some great tips for handling any high conflict personalities you may have in your life.
About Megan:
Megan Hunter, MBA, is the co-founder and CEO. She developed the concept of the Institute after 13 years in policy, legislation, and judicial training with the Arizona Supreme Court and five years with the Dawes County Attorney’s Office in Nebraska. She is founder and publisher of Unhooked Books, a U.S.-based media company.
Megan has trained professionals in business, public service, law, education, and mental health in the U.S. and seven other countries. She holds an MBA from the University of Phoenix and a Business and Economics degree from Chadron State College. She has served as President of the Arizona Chapter of the Association of Family & Conciliation Courts, the Arizona Family Support Council and Nebraska Child Support Enforcement Association. She served five years on the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiner, and is one of our experts serving on the Advisory board of Stepfamily Solutions.
You Can Find Megan:On Instagram @highconflictinstitute
On her website,
Links Mentioned In Today's EpisodeGet your FREE ticket for the Stepmom Summit HERE!
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