132 avsnitt • Längd: 25 min • Månadsvis
In July of 2019, Jeremy made the fortuitous decision to make the only bid on an abandoned storage unit. At first disappointed by no apparent treasure, what he discovered instead is a trove of the most extensive documentation of seemingly unexplainable events he’s ever seen. Join him on his journey of discovery through the horrific, paranormal, and downright unusual events of each podcast episode and sink into the frightening reality that lurks just beneath the skin of our everyday lives. The Storage Papers is an independent podcast and runs solely on the fear and passion of its creators.
The podcast The Storage Papers is created by Jeremy Enfinger. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In the mid-season finale, Jeremy still hasn't found Brianne, and reaches out to Detective Anderson with some information on a Divine Acolyte. After that, he gets help from an unexpected source to encounter something that truly horrifies him.
Content Warnings
General horror, screaming, gore, violence, death, imprisonment, swearing
Acting (in order of appearance)
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After finding out the actual events surrounding Thomas Strong's death were different than what Brianne told him, Jeremy tries to get a hold of her and ends up learning something about her contact with Joseph Foye. Jeremy also reviews a file that could lead to another Divine Acolyte.
Content Warnings
General horror, screaming, loud sounds, gore, references to child abuse and alcohol, swearing
Acting (in order of appearance)
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Brianne discovers a new ability linking to one of the Acolytes and Jeremy shares a reference to him found in the papers. When Anderson checks in, things take an unexpected twist.
General horror
Jeremy Enfinger as JEREMY
Amanda Lunsford as BRIANNE SCANLON
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Alex Dapul can't escape his girlfriend's holiday party.
Happy New Year!
Listen to this episode (and all episodes) ad-free on Patreon.
Content Warnings:
General horror, language, death, sudden and loud sounds, screaming, gunshots, gore, David Ault, and innuendo
Writing and sound design by Nathan Lunsford
Acting, in order of appearance:
I seriously can not recommend the listed podcasts enough. Go listen!
Sound effects by Zapsplat
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Jeremy pays Malcolm a visit in prison to try to get more information about the ritual.
Referenced death, profanity
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Detective Anderson sends Jeremy audio of an unusual 911 call, after which Jeremy turns to the papers to investigate further. Does the call have a connection to Chris?
Referenced child harm, death, general horror, language, non-consensual events, tense sequences, violence, gore sound effects, loud sound effects, yelling/screaming
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Chris is the hospital as Jeremy recounts what happened after the last episode. Unable to sleep, he has a conversation with Dr. Maldonado that leaves him questioning the future and how far he is willing to go to stop the Entity.
General horror, profanity, possession, imprisonment, adolescent in peril, implied death of a child
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Jeremy needs your help.
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Jeremy, Brianne, Anderson and Ron team up to follow up on the Angeles National Forest lead to search for Chris and encounter something unexpected.
General horror, possession, gun violence, demonic themes and hallucinations
Jeremy Enfinger as JEREMY
Ryan Boster as RON HAMMOND
Amanda Lunsford as BRIANNE SCANLON
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Jeremy looks for more clues by reviewing an old cassette tape audio file with Malcolm and one of the Hydra doctors. Dr. Maldonado gets back to Jeremy with the latest updates on his research of the ritual.
General horror
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Malcolm continues his annual Halloween tradition of reading a page from Joseph Foye's journal to Jeremy after breaking into his home while he sleeps.
Death, general horror, mental health, tense sequences, violence, gore sound effects
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Jeremy reviews a harrowing account from a tormented individual that may foreshadow his son’s future.
General horror, profanity, gore, possession, imprisonment, loss of memory
We're promoting a new podcast, The Holmwood Foundation. We really think you'll like it, check it out!
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Malcolm sends Jeremy a recording of his son, confirming some of his worst fears. In response, Jeremy exhausts every avenue he can think of and considers how far he’s willing to go to save Chris.
General horror, profanity, possession, imprisonment, adolescent in peril, implied death of a child
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Jeremy has been missing calls lately.
Season 5 is coming October 1st!
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Updates on Season 5 production, our website changes, and casting call!
For instructions and details on auditioning for a part on Season 5 of The Storage Papers, CLICK HERE
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Jeremy plays a recording where a suspect is apparently being interviewed by the police on New Year's Eve of 2016. Are the interviewers really police? What crime is the suspect being accused of? And how is "ramen" pronounced?
This episode features a special guest star: Virginia Spotts (she/they). Virginia can be found on Twitter @VirginiaSpotts, and you should definitely check out their excellent audiodrama: The Sheridan Tapes.
Production Update: We're hard at work on Season 5 and will be moving into the recording stage soon! In the meantime...Happy New Year!
CONTENT WARNINGS: Gore, violence, and intense sequences
MUSIC: "TSP XMAS" by Cody Ditzenberger
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is a fictional horror audio drama with regular season episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger listeners. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Malcolm forms a tradition by visiting Jeremy once again this Halloween, relaying the story of The Sound of Silence.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Gore, death, gunshots, reference to alcohol
CREDITS: Written, performed, and produced by Nathan Lunsford
Sound effects by Zapsplat
"With a Flashlight" and "Needle Mouth" by Cody Ditzenberger
"Children Eating Corn" by Tim Kulig, licensed under CC BY 4.0 (https://filmmusic.io/song/8487-children-eating-corn)
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Cassandra and James take a drive up the coast to visit James' parents, who aren't quite acting like the people they remember.
It wouldn't be a Storage Papers Halloween without a Storage Papers bonus episode... hope you enjoy!
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In the conclusion to Unwanted Places: Malice, Detective Anderson recounts Lola's story as she and Meredith confront the old house from Lola's childhood nightmares together.
Check out The Love Talker! https://thelovetalker.com/
The Love Talker is crowdfunding, and you can support the show! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wkeithtims/the-love-talker-a-folk-horror-audio-drama
Assault, gore, genocide, death, murder, cannibalism
Written, performed, edited, mixed, and artwork by Nathan Lunsford
Sound effects: Zapsplat
"Fog" by Sergey Cheremisinov (http://www.s-cheremisinov.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 4.0.
"Honeys Pie" by Wake licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
"Rust Colony" by ROZKOL licensed under Creative Commons 4.0.
"Oppressive Gloom" https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4174-oppressive-gloom by Kevin Macleod; License https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
"Rider" by Nctrnm licensed under Creative Commons 4.0.
"Highway to the Stars" "Daemones" "Touch the Darkness" and "Curtains Are Always Drawn" by Kai Engel (https://www.kai-engel.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 4.0.
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In this episode, Detective Anderson continues reading Lola's letter to her niece. With Meredith at her side, Lola answers the call of her childhood home, traveling back to the nightmare she'd spent so long running from.
Content warning: discussion of death and grief
Be sure to check out this week's recommendation: Your Horror Show!
Listen to Season 2 of Unwanted Places now, ad free, on our Patreon!
Written and performed by Nathan Lunsford
Sound effects by Zapsplat
Music: Rust Colony by ROZKOL; Modum, Paranoia, and Highway to the Stars by Kai Engel (https://www.kai-engel.com/); and Honeys Pie by Wake, all licensed under Creative Commons 3.0; and Fog by Sergey Cheremisinov (http://www.s-cheremisinov.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 4.0.
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In this episode of Unwanted Places: Malice, Detective Anderson continues Lola's story as she grows up and runs away from the town, trying desperately to leave its long reach in the past.
Also, be sure to check out this week's recommended podcast, Ghost Wax: https://farandtalltales.squarespace.com/ghost-wax
Listen to Season 2 of Unwanted Places on Patreon now, ad free!
Written and performed by Nathan Lunsford
Sound effects: Zapsplat
Music: "Fog" by Sergey Cheremisinov (http://www.s-cheremisinov.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 4.0. "Salue", "Floret", by Kei Engel (https://www.kai-engel.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 3.0. "Honeys Pie" by Wake licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
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Detective Anderson continues reading the letter from Lola, in which she recounted a childhood dare to enter a creepy, old house in her small town. In this portion, she talks to Mr. Creepy and learns about the town's dark history, before discovering there's more that's expected of her than she is ready for.
Season 2 of Unwanted Places is available exclusively and ad free on Patreon.
Also, be sure to check out Surcease: https://linktr.ee/surcease
Written and performed by Nathan Lunsford
Sound effects: Zapsplat
"Fog" by Sergey Cheremisinov (http://www.s-cheremisinov.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 4.0
"Comatose" by Kei Engel (https://www.kai-engel.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 3.0
"Honeys Pie" by Wake licensed under Creative Commons 3.0
"Return of Lazarus" https://filmmusic.io/song/4280-return-of-lazarus
"Oppressive Gloom" https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4174-oppressive-gloom
"Piece for Disaffected Piano Two" https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4215-piece-for-disaffected-piano-two
"Interloper" https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3919-interloper/ by Kevin Macleod; License https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
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Jeremy has enlisted the help of Detective Mark Anderson to research unwanted places that have been abandoned which may have more of an explanation than is publicly available. After recording what he's found from the first document which recounts the tale of a young girl, Jeremy has dubbed this story, "Unwanted Places: Malice".
The second season of Unwanted Places is available exclusively and ad free on Patreon.
Also, be sure to check out Regina Prime: https://reginaprime.com
Written and performed by Nathan Lunsford
Sound Effects from Zapsplat
Music: "Fog" "Now You Are Here" by Sergey Cheremisinov (http://www.s-cheremisinov.com/) licensed under Creative Commons 4.0
"Sincerely" "Symmetry" by Kevin Macleod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5033-sincerely
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4790-symmetry
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
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Here's the second half of our Q&A session!
The C in Alec is for Chaos (Discord) How do you go about writing TSP, do you write as the season is being recorded or do you prepare further ahead? And have you ever gotten stuck with a writer’s block?
Akumu (Discord) I’m very interested in the ARG that you ran; Who proposed it, who put it together, what resources did you reference on how to organize materials and create activities for the players, how do you feel about the resulting product, was it a success in its original purpose? (And is it going to continue?)
Lilly (Discord) How did all the Voice Actors get involved in TSP? Were you all friends beforehand?
Lilly (Discord) We know Jeremy’s wife is not a fan of his work on TSP. If you’re comfortable sharing, how does your actual family feel about you doing podcasts?
Lilly (Discord) How long does it usually take to record and edit an episode?
Lilly (Discord) Do you set goals or restrictions for how long you want each episode to be, or do you just let it flow for however long it takes for that episode’s story to conclude?
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/storagepapers
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/storagepapers
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thestoragepapers
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As we prepare for Season 5, we had an opportunity to answer some questions from our listener community. This was a lengthy conversation that we're splitting into two parts (part 2 will be released two weeks from today). We hope you enjoy!
Drugstore Cowboy (Discord) Behind the scenes and how to get started on a podcast. Interested in TMA, TSP, and willing and fable for inspiration. Good spooky stories.
Autumn. Evergreen (Discord) What are the characters’ favorite foods?
Icarus (Discord) What are the characters’ things they do that annoys the crap out of everyone else?
Icarus (Discord) What are the characters’ favorite animals?
Detective C (Discord) What was your favorite part to record?
Gem (Discord) We knew that Jeremy was somewhat part of this lore, more than being the storyteller (loss of memory, parents, etc.). We also saw the papers somewhat destroying his marriage. But now, it tarnished the idea of normalcy in any way. Did you guys have a hyperfixation that nearly ruined your life? How did if feel to break that thin barrier you created between family of Jeremy and the papers? To have not only Jeremy but other members of his family put in danger?
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/storagepapers
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/storagepapers
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thestoragepapers
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SUMMARY: The team attempts to stop Malcolm from completing the ritual, but when things don’t go as planned, Jeremy is forced to deal with some harsh realities.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Gunfire, and References to torture and death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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The Cellar Letters is a bi-weekly, found footage, horror audio drama series
Follow Nate and his dog Bella as they move across America to the East coast, Nate documents the whole process as he seeks to try something new and have a fresh start.
The new house appears perfect: huge, loads of room, a yard for Bella to run in... But there is something not quite right, The house feels... off. Knocking noises in the night lead him to a locked room in the basement filled with letters about strange occurrences and ghostly figures.
Who wrote the letters? Why are they all stored in the cellar? Join Nate and his dog as they search for answers.
Visit https://www.thecellarletters.com/ for updates!
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SUMMARY: The group picks up Jeremy and heads out to investigate after Joseph senses the untimely return of the Pyramidion, which can cause danger if summoned outside its normal pattern for appearing.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Topics involving death, drowning, and screaming
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Malcolm contacts Jeremy for a final decision. New, game-changing information is realized when Jeremy gains additional insight about the old manuscript from a local expert.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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About Maeltopia
Maeltopia is a horror/dark fantasy podcast with various series and stories that all take place in
the same world. As a result, various storylines intersect and effect one another, leading to the
feeling of a robust and dynamic world. Maeltopia encompasses various interconnected series
such as “The Shepherd of Wolves,” “The Damnation Machine,” “Red Mother,” “Grimland,” and
“The Sleep Wake Cycle.”
About episode 1 of “The Shepherd of Wolves:”
The Family Man, a serial killer known to use the bones of his deceased family as killing
instruments, finds himself the subject of a strange and ominous force's attention. Drawn to the
hollow insides of an abandoned cottage, the notorious murderer finds something both
inexplicable and darkly intriguing.
Content warnings: death, murder, adult themes.
Written and directed by Mark A. Anzalone
Edited by Walker Kornfeld
Produced by Steven J. Anzalone
Voiced by Mark Anzalone
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SUMMARY: Jeremy receives an unexpected proposition from Malcolm and acquires a set of books that may shed some light onto his desperate plan.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Topics involving death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Malcolm reaches out to Brianne with a tempting proposition, then Jeremy reveals the rest of his meeting with Joseph Foye at the El Campo Cemetery meeting, leading to a long-awaited conversation with Gerald Hubert.
CONTENT WARNINGS: References to illness, general horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy takes Joseph Foye’s advice and looks further into the documents that Dr. Patel provided regarding Malcolm. He gains insight into a familiar character’s origins as the plot comes full-circle in some of Patel’s more recent notes.
CONTENT WARNINGS: References to death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy meets Brianne at a familiar location where a plan is devised to locate the Pyramidion with the help of Joseph Foye.
CONTENT WARNINGS: References to death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: The previous episode of The Storage Papers captures Brianne’s attention as Jeremy weighs his options for medical treatment. Another unexpected party also gains interest and fills in some gaps in Jeremy’s childhood history while proposing a far-fetched alternative option to medical treatment.
SPECIAL THANKS to Cole Weavers. Check out his podcasts, The Town Whispers and Tiny Terrors, wherever you listen to your podcasts.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Profanity, references to cancer
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: While still on bed rest, Jeremy has asked Brianne to bring him some documents and is getting frustrated at how long it’s taking her. He recalls an experience he had while resting and receives some unfortunate news.
SPECIAL THANKS to Dylan Griggs. Check out his podcast, WOE.BEGONE wherever you listen to your podcasts: https://woebegonepod.com/
CONTENT WARNINGS: Profanity, references to cancer
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Thomas chooses the gold key and sets out to find the package in the storage unit to bring back to Cain.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Thomas chooses the silver key and sets out to find the package in the nearby office building to bring back to Cain.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Young Thomas is working a seasonal job to help out his family during the holidays when he is given a strange proposition by a magical being. In just a few days, you will choose...
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy learns what may have caused him to pass out in the last episode. As he recovers, he shares details from his secretive meeting at El Campo Cemetery in Old Town San Diego.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Profanity, references to suicide and suicidal ideation
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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We've covered a lot of information since Season 1 and we realize that keeping details straight can be kind of difficult when getting pieces here and there. That's why we're bringing this character recap to you. Hope it helps!
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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A recurring vivid dream about starting an exercise routine is accompanied by cryptic warnings (This episode was written by Anna Q as one of the writing competition winners from last year's competition).
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes about murder
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Hello everyone! A few nights ago, Nathan and I got together to answer some questions about the show and we're sharing a part of that discussion now. For the full hour-long discussion, you can get with the Investigator Tier or higher rewards over on our Patreon page. Thanks for listening!
Topics Include:
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy and Detective Anderson arrange a meeting with Ron to confront him about his presence at the hotel. Brianne uncovers some unnerving information and a potential pattern linking local disappearances to the medical records.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Profanity, references to blood
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy has a surprise visitor as he sleeps, who opens the journal of Joseph Foye and reads a dark entry from a long-forgotten Halloween.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Home invasion, threats, suffocation, murder, corpses, gore
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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I participated in Phonic Fiction Fest this year, which was put on by Cole Weavers of The Town Whispers and our very own Nathan Lunsford of The Storage Papers. Teams were to be given a random horror genre, a line, and a sound effect that were mandatory to use for all submissions. My team (Team Kooky - see Team Roles below) was assigned Horror Comedy, and this was our end product. I thought you would enjoy some additional Halloween Bonus content! For more information about Phonic Fiction Fest and to listen to all 25 entries, CLICK HERE.
A couple on the verge of divorce takes their therapist up on her offer to book an Airbnb in the country for the weekend to try and iron out their differences. Complications ensue when they find that they’ve inexplicably double-booked the house with a serial killer in the process of dismembering a victim.
Language, gory sound effects, frequent insults about model trains, Philly accents, blood, death, mutilation, improper usage/pronunciation of medical terms, puns.
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Episode Titles:
NINE II MIDNIGHT - The Horrors of Our Dreams
Episode Description:
It seems like the horrors of our dreams are most frightening to you...
On the Eve of Halloween, a dozen storytellers sneak inside the abandoned Darklight Carnival grounds to share a chilling batch of stories in two varieties. This year they split up to uncover the fears that lurk within and horrors that walk among us.
One group will head to the Ferris Wheel to tell tales of real-world terror. The other will venture into the Funhouse to spin yarns of the frightening spirit world. Which path will you embark on first?
Nine II Midnight is a collaborative storytelling event between 12 podcasts:
Hell Gate City
Nowhere, On Air
Out of the Ashes
Parkdale Haunt
The Cellar Letters
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio
The Night Post
The Storage Papers
The Town Whispers
Wake of Corrosion
CW: General horror, swearing throughout
Produced by Harlan Guthrie
Master edit by Harlan Guthrie
'Nine II Midnight' written by Harlan Guthrie.
Performed by Harlan Guthrie, Dylan Griggs, Kevin Berrey, Shaun Pellington, Rae Lundberg, Vincent C. Davis, Jess Syratt, Alex Nursall, Rat Grimes, Jeremy Enfinger, Nathan Lunsford, Cole Weavers, and Jamie Petronis.
Pick a path on October 30th at midnight, and keep your wits about you.
"The Almanac Building" was written, directed, performed, and scored by Dylan Griggs.
CW: gore, animal death
Website: www.woebegonepod.com
“Train Ride” was written, directed, and performed by Vincent Comegys-Davis.
CW: hospitals/medical issues, death, blood, gore
Website: www.outoftheashespodcast.com
"Dead Space" was written, performed, and produced by Rae Lundberg
CW: animal peril, drowning
Website: nightpostpod.com
“A Dream” was written, performed, and edited by Jesse Syratt (credits for SFX available in the transcript)
CW: brief graphic description of body horror and sounds.
Website: https://nowhereonair.carrd.co
“Shadow of the Eliminator” was written and performed by Kevin Berrey
CW: hallucinations/visions, bodily fluids
“Silly Billy” was written, edited, and mixed by Nathan Lunsford.
Performed by Jeremy Enfinger (as Jeremy) and Nathan Lunsford (as Billy).
Music credits available in the transcript.
CW: profanity, child injury, brief gore (SFX)
Website: www.thestoragepapers.com
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Episode Titles:
NINE II MIDNIGHT - Terrors of the Real World
Episode Description:
It seems like the terrors of the real world are most appealing to you and for good reason...
On the Eve of Halloween, a dozen storytellers sneak inside the abandoned Darklight Carnival grounds to share a chilling batch of stories in two varieties. This year they split up to uncover the fears that lurk within and horrors that walk among us.
One group will head to the Ferris Wheel to tell tales of real-world terror. The other will venture into the Funhouse to spin yarns of the frightening spirit world. Which path will you embark on first?
Nine II Midnight is a collaborative storytelling event between 12 podcasts:
Hell Gate City
Nowhere, On Air
Out of the Ashes
Parkdale Haunt
The Cellar Letters
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio
The Night Post
The Storage Papers
The Town Whispers
Wake of Corrosion
CW: General horror, swearing throughout
Produced by Harlan Guthrie
Master edit by Harlan Guthrie
'Nine II Midnight' written by Harlan Guthrie.
Performed by Harlan Guthrie, Dylan Griggs, Kevin Berrey, Shaun Pellington, Rae Lundberg, Vincent C. Davis, Jess Syratt, Alex Nursall, Rat Grimes, Jeremy Enfinger, Nathan Lunsford, Cole Weavers, and Jamie Petronis.
Pick a path on October 30th at midnight, and keep your wits about you.
“Scratching” was written, directed, performed, and edited by Harlan Guthrie.
CW: insects, gore
Website: www.malevolent.ca
“Get Up” was written, edited, and performed by Jamie Petronis, and features Brandon Jones as the Newscaster
CW: general horror, mouth noises, licking sounds
Website: www.thecellarletters.com
“The Quiet Corridor” was written, performed, edited and mixed by Shaun Pellington.
CW: sounds of bone crunching/cracking, mild terror, explicit language
“Voices in the Vents” was written, performed, and scored by Rat Grimes (they/them).
CWs: fire, home invasion
Website: www.somewhereohio.com
“Bella” was written, Directed, Editing by Cole Weavers
CW: body horror, sleepwalking, nightmares, evil pets
Website: www.thetownwhispers.com
“Who Goes?” was written by Alex Nursall and Emily Kellogg, with engineering and sound design by Alex Nursall.
Performed by Emily Kellogg, Alex Nursall, Ian Boddy, and Harlan Guthrie.
CW: ghosts/hauntings, home invasion
Website: www.parkdalehaunt.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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SUMMARY: Margaret travels with her father to meet a distant relative to determine if she will be deemed worthy of the family inheritance. If chosen, Margaret will be permitted to attend the party.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes involving grief, murder, revenge, gore
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Bailey tries to get on the right path with a volunteer opportunity at a local public library. Mysterious events take place when the staff start to disappear.
CONTENT WARNINGS: References to selling drugs, child abduction, themes of child harm
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy Examines the content of the flash drive from Dr. Patel and learns that the video originally seen in Episode 2, A Conspicuous Suspect where we first see the Grinner was incomplete.
Click here to check out Phonic Fiction Fest!
CONTENT WARNINGS: Profanity, references to prostitution and drugs
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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On the Eve of Halloween, 14 storytellers make their way to the Darklight Carnival share horrific tales of mystery and murder… but not is all as it seems.
This October 30th, the feed you’re listening to now, along with all other participating shows, will post two episodes simultaneously for Nine II Midnight. One episode will feature tales that are baked in reality with terrors that may be a part of our waking life. The other episode will share the horror of the most esoteric and spiritual side of the dark and terrifying.
NINE II MIDNIGHT is another collaborative storytelling event, and sequel to last year’s episode. Both episodes are comprised of stories written and produced by the Nine II Midnight participants:
Hell Gate City
Nowhere, On Air
Out of the Ashes
Parkdale Haunt
The Cellar Letter
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio
The Night Post
The Storage Papers
The Town Whispers
Wake Of Corrosion
On October 30th, you get to choose which stories you want to enjoy first, then, make sure to listen to the other for the complete tale.
See you then.
The Prologue was written, produced & edited by Harlan Guthrie
Guest starring Alexander Newall
Series Art by Nathan Lunsford
Content Warnings: Descriptions of Violent Death
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SUMMARY: Upon learning that his name is included in the medical files, Jeremy digs into the documents left by Dr. Patel and finds some extremely disturbing information about Malcolm.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Murder, gore, blood, graphic description of death, child experimentation, general horror.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy retrieves a package left by Dr. Patel, which contains new documents containing insights and information involving what Malcolm is looking for. Brianne and Jeremy make some progress with the encrypted medical files and are shocked at what they uncover.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Murder, child experimentation, general horror.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy shares a witness report relating to a body found by a local reservoir, followed by a disturbing phone call, an unexpected email from an unlikely new ally, and some devastating news.
SPECIAL NOTE: Today’s document shared within the show included one of last year’s writing contest winners’ stories. Up at the Reservoir was one of three winning selections, written by Lou Sutcliffe.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Language, death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Here at The Storage Papers, we aim to bring you great content, so between our regularly-scheduled episodes, we thought we'd share the premier episode of another podcast with California-based roots that aligns with an element of strangeness not too dissimilar to our own show. Hope you enjoy!
Jake Fisher discovers a secret town hidden in the far reaches of Northern California. When he discovers the town, he finds it abandoned . . . a town with no people. But he notices something: while there is no one around, there are many, many doors. When he eventually gets inside Ostium he learns that every door has a specific number. None of the doors will open for him, until he starts with the first door. It opens and begins a journey for him that will take him far away from his normal life, through many more doors leading to different places in time and space . . .
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SUMMARY: Jeremy reviews some documents that could be related to subject 14-3 when Brianne returns and shares some unexpected details about where she’s been… and with whom.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: While Brianne isn’t returning communication, Jeremy reviews several documents about a Hydra experiment gone wrong that perplexes their scientists and brings to light a classification system for people with special abilities.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy receives information about Malcolm’s whereabouts and plans a visit to gain some insight to The Storage Papers. Some unexpected events occur immediately following.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy confides in Detective Anderson to create an opportunity to confront Ron about the nature of the papers, his relationship to them, and his personal involvement with Project Hydra.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Acts of threatened violence against children and gun violence
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Today's episode was released on Patreon nearly one year ago. Due to the resounding success of the Season 4 premier, we just wanted to post a little bit extra for you between our normal episodes. To get more episodes like this, head over to patreon.com/grinnermedia.
SUMMARY: When a single father tries to pull off a con to make ends meet, things get a little touchy.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood and gore
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: Jeremy is experimenting with shared lucid dreaming when he finds someone who enlists his help to strike a blow to Hydra, but in the end, he’s not so sure it was a dream.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence involving a female character
NOTES: The password referred to in this episode is X973-BRAVO-34RI. If you have any potential suggestions regarding its usage, please reach out to [email protected].
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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SUMMARY: from_your_monitor // from_your_monitor // from_your_monitor // from_your_monitor //
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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Between the Lines is what we call our behind-the-scenes content that we put out for our Curators over on Patreon. I recently sat down with Nathan Lunsford to ask each other questions relating to episodes we each wrote for Season 3. This is just a quick preview of that discussion, which was nearly 2 hours in length. If you'd like to listen to the entire discussion, head over to Patreon.com/grinnermedia to check out the various tiered options for becoming a Curator.
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SUMMARY: In Part 2 of the Season 3 Finale, the dream killer is confronted.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Language, injury, death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: A plan comes together as the team tries a new experiment to hunt down the dream killer with some assistance from an unlikely source.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Topics involving death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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Just a quick journal entry before wrapping up Season 3. Only two episodes left!
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SUMMARY: Jeremy asks Brianne and Mark Anderson to help read some transcripts of a mysterious exchange of text messages.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Topics involving death
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy opens up to the audience and discusses an unexpected encounter from his most recent therapy session.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Death and violence
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy becomes frustrated with the lack of information coming from Ron, and while not being sure what information he can trust, decides to reach out to 4thTrumpet on Twitter in hopes to fill in some gaps. New information is brought forward by someone claiming to be a colleague of 4thTrumpet’s in a hand-written letter delivered to jeremy’s mailbox.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Concepts involving child experimentation and assassination
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy pieces together several Hydra records further confirming child experimentation which may also provide some insight to some familiar players...and what they’re capable of.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Mentions of torture and childhood trauma
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy asks Brianne to help dig into the papers. She finds some older documentation that backs up experiences Jeremy has been researching involving the dream killer.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Topics involving suicide and suicidal ideations
Also, check out The Night Post at https://nightpostpod.com/
The Night Post is an audio drama podcast about the conscripted couriers of a city at odds with the ancient, arcane frontier that surrounds it. What begins as Milo’s search for his missing husband becomes the couriers’ journey to save themselves and uncover the secrets of the organization that chose them.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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Today, I just wanted to bring you a few announcements. First and foremost, I want to say thank you to everyone who competed in our first ever writing competition. The winners, which have now been selected, will have their episodes produced next season on The Storage Papers. Stories were judged by me, Nathan Lunsford, who also writes for The Storage Papers, and Rat Grimes of The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio.
Judging criteria was based on 4 categories. Originality, Plot Structure, Characterization, and Quality of Writing. The winners are:
In addition, we hope you check out:
https://thestoragepapers.com for more information on all of what we have going on at The Storage Papers
patreon.com/grinnermedia for more bonus content
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On the eve of Halloween, nine storytellers make their way to an abandoned asylum to share their terrifying truths about the darkness that exists around them. As the tales unfold, each more visceral than the last, the nine may just discover that it is not the waking world to fear, but the horrors that lay within.
Nine to Midnight is a collaborative storytelling event between nine podcasts:
The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio
CW: General horror, swearing throughout
Produced by Harlan Guthrie
Master edit by Harlan Guthrie
'Nine to Midnight' written by Harlan Guthrie.
Performed by Harlan Guthrie, Dylan Griggs, Shaun Pellington, Rat Grimes, Jamie Petronis, Jeremy Enfinger, Nathan Lunsford, Cole Weavers, Jess Syratt, and Kevin Berrey.
8:05 | 'Rare Book' written, performed, edited, and mixed by Harlan Guthrie of Malevolent.
16:50 | 'The Knocking' written, performed, edited, mixed, and music composed & performed by Dylan Griggs of WOE.BEGONE.
27:05 | 'The Broken Man' written, performed, edited, and mixed by Shaun Pellington of Wake of Corrosion.
CW: Violence, injury
35:30 | 'The Pool' written, performed, edited, mixed, and music composed & performed by Rat Grimes of The Dead Letter Office of Somewhere, Ohio.
CW: Death, drowning
44:42 | 'The 1 to 5 Minute Man' written, performed, edited, and mixed by Jamie Petronis of The Cellar Letters.
52:24 | 'Ridgefield Manor' written, edited, and mixed by Nathan Lunsford.
Performed by Jeremy Enfinger and Nathan Lunsford of The Storage Papers.
Additional sounds from Zapsplat
CW: Discussion of murder and suicide
1:02:45 | 'Public Access' written, performed, edited, and mixed by Cole Weavers of The Town Whispers.
1:12:34 | 'The Shortcut' written, performed, edited, and mixed by Jess Syratt of Nowhere, On Air.
1:22:14 | 'Peepers Creepers' written, produced, performed, edited, and mixed by Kevin Berrey, Screaming Panda LLC of Hell Gate City Companion.
Music composed by Cheska Navarro
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SUMMARY: A man investigates a series of disappearances near a local diner. When he overhears two teens making plans for a late-night rendezvous, he decides to attempt to catch the culprit in the act and things go awry.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes involving death and suicide
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: An old family story is recounted from a recently-deceased relative about how my family arrived in the local area with another close family and some truly bizarre circumstances.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Gunshot audio and murder
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy finds an unopened letter addressed to Ron from a friend of a former client, asking for help. Janet Hill apparently embraces the unexplained, taking an opportunity to interact with an apparition who reveals itself to her, and develops a unique connection that begins to change over time.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Suicidal Ideations
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: A man regains consciousness in a confused state, and as he begins to take in his surroundings, he realizes he can’t move...and he’s not alone.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Elements of torture, gore, and profanity
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Jeremy reviews a series of journal entries from someone claiming they die every night in their dreams, only to encounter the “killer” in real life the very next day.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, blood, gore, death, violence, alcohol, and guns
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
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Jeremy gives an update on his dream experimentations and tries to distinguish coincidence from statistical significance.
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SUMMARY: A group of friends visit an abandoned building behind an old barbed wire fence nestled in the woods while hiking. As they investigate, they discover it seems to be locked and shuttered which only further piques their interest. They soon learn that some doors are best left shut.
CONTENT WARNINGS: language, death, gore and inappropriate/immature humor
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Brianne investigates the medical files and finds a possible connection between the patients. To confirm, she goes to visit one of them, a real estate agent, under the guise of a potential client. She soon learns that it's not just the patient that holds a secret, though.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: A group sleep study reveals that, when woken up one minute and six seconds into REM sleep, all participants awaken from the exact same dream.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: A letter of resignation is submitted when research into a new drug compound undergoing clinical trials at SCIC incites dreams that may possibly turn out to be the only known evidence of a gruesome homicide committed in Escondido.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, blood, gore and violence
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: I had something very interesting happen in, and following my dreams this past weekend. As previously stated, I will continue to update you all with pertinent information from my own personal life as The Storage Papers finds new ways to influence it. You guys aren't going to believe this!
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Deandre visits his sister at San Diego State University on a weekend in her dormitory. The parties are lively, and sexual tension is in the air when he encounters someone a little bit different than the other college girls in the building. What he thinks is turning into a sexual fantasy turns out to be a feeding session for a predatory monster.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Sexual themes, blood, drug references
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy receives an unexpected visit while at work and is asked to review some evidence from a crime scene that is related to one of the Storage Papers. As new information is brought forward, things get even more perplexing.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, corpse, gun wound, crime scene, gore, suicide, and profanity. If you or someone you know needs help, call 800-273-8255 to reach the National Suicide Prevention Hotline
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Ron meets with an unnamed acquaintance following an accident he has after a series of recurring synchronistic dreams. He believes there’s more to the dreams that he understands, and suspects someone that they both know to be somehow responsible.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, choking, profanity, paranoia, and car accident
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy receives a hand-delivered package from what sounds like some kind of ally with precautionary tones and a potential connection to Project Hydra.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, marijuana use, non-consensual injection of unknown substance, restraints, body horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy explores a document that could possibly be evidence of what Hydra is doing involving children as it links to specific medical records found within other areas of the papers.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, car accident, body injury, child illness, child experimentation permitted by a parent, drug overdose, death of a parent
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Ever since these dreams started a few months ago, Jeremy suddenly begins to get the feeling that they need to be documented, along with his thoughts about them. This is Jeremy's first journal entry.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy begins exploring lucid dreaming to help Brianne and to take control of his own dreams. He also shares a story of two friends who learn to spend leisurely time together within their lucid dreams. Things change when Charlie shows up.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, underage use of alcohol and tobacco product, brief discussion of dying, serious illness, body injury
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy touches on what he’s been doing in the break. He also receives a request from Brianne for help looking into some documents. A transcript of an interview is located within the Papers that points to a group of people mysteriously dying in their sleep following interactions with the same person within their dreams.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, elder abuse, murder
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Season 3 Trailer
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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Season 3 is coming soon. Make sure you're following us on social media for updates.
The Storage Papers is a fictional horror audio drama with episodes (typically) published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. For additional details, commentary, and to contact the creators, visit the website at https://thestoragepapers.com or send an email to [email protected].
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SUMMARY: Bonus Episode: Jeremy shares three tales surrounding the Christmas holiday that he has located during his research within the storage papers. From some mysterious circumstances waking up somewhere unknown, to a grandfather holding on to a secret about a creature in his possession, and a mysterious guest with some not-so-human qualities, we hope you enjoy this early Christmas present from all of us at The Storage Papers. Season 3 coming 2021.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Language, violence, murder, some body horror, possession
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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A while back, Jeremy received a book from Mark Anderson with explicit instructions not to open it. Just in time for Halloween, Jeremy's curiosity gets the best of him as he decides to take a look into what may be the most odd journal he's ever run across. Three separate entries are being shared without additional commentary or speculation... just the raw, unedited documentation of events by one very unlucky individual.
The Storage Papers is a fictional horror audio drama with episodes (typically) published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. For additional details, commentary, and to contact the creator, visit the website at https://www.thestoragepapers.com or send an email to [email protected].
Spectre was written by Nathan Lunsford and inspired by Christee Taylor
Fog was written by Jeremy Enfinger and inspired by Yana Kardashina
Exhume was written by Cody Ditzenberger and inspired by Mandy
Episode artwork by Nathan Lunsford.
Episode music by Cody Ditzenberger
Sound effects and music by Zapsplat
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/storagepapers
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/storagepapers
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/thestoragepapers
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ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: In the season 2 finale of The Storage Papers podcast, Jeremy decompresses and attempts to process feelings about the events that unfolded at the church. Something still doesn’t sit right with him, so he reaches out to discuss with someone familiar. His suspicions are confirmed when new evidence presents itself.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Strong language
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: As the team finally confronts the Grinner head-on, we learn more details about the plan and each party’s role as it is carried out. Things will be different going forward. Some things are permanent, while others...not so much.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Topics of possession, physical trauma, blood, gore, general horror, suicide, mild language. If you or someone you know needs help, call 800-273-8255 to reach the National Suicide Prevention Hotline.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy is invited to meet with several people mentioned in previous episodes of the Storage Papers, and he publicly calls out the Grinner, offering a challenge after his middle of the night visits become even more intrusive.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, demonic provocation
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: The dreams continue, and they grow closer and closer every night. We learn about recurring nightmares and what very real consequences they can have.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy learns there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to what we previously knew about the Scanlon family. Familiar names are becoming more closely related, and Ron solicits Jeremy’s help in a plan to directly deal with a known adversary.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Strong language, sexual assault, trauma, topics of possession, and general horror.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy shares a message from a high-level military official, who could also be the next big whistleblower. This other-worldly testimonial seems too fictional to be true, however, if the source is reputable, what are we to believe?
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy finds a letter addressed to Ron, and what appears to be notes from Ron indicating his attempt to rid a family heirloom of a very creepy curse.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy shares a police statement of an eyewitness account of the massacre at the Homecoming Inn & Suites. You’ll find that working in the hospitality industry is not necessarily always hospitable.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Gore, death, and general horror.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: A household pet brought to a small get-together turns out to be something significantly more monstrous. Rule of thumb: ask permission before bringing your pet to a friend’s house.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror, cyber-stalking, and strong language
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy shares a message from a listener of the show who claims to have inside knowledge of Projekt Hydra and its origins. Diving deep into religious significance, mythology, and motives dating back to World War 2, the only question is, do you believe this listener’s claims?
CONTENT WARNINGS: Physical trauma, topics of possession, themes involving children and downplaying of anti-Semitism with conspiracy theories around WWII/Nazis - these do not represent either the facts of what happened or the views of The Storage Papers team.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: At 1:00 a.m. every morning, a small girl is visited by a mysterious creature that watches and antagonizes her from outside her window. Her family passes it off as a dream, or an overactive imagination, as time and space seem to stand still while she fights the urge to join it.
CONTENT WARNINGS: General horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy shares a series of messages from a listener of the show who claims to have ties to Project Hydra. Many similar claims have been made, but this particular individual has shown compelling evidence with knowledge of the contents of The Storage Papers. Has Jeremy found an ally, or is he being manipulated?
CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, physical trauma, topics of possession, themes involving children, general horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: On this week’s episode of The Storage Papers podcast, Jeremy reviews a series of documents relating to the death of whom the locals refer to as “The Duct Tape Man” from the point of view of the officer responsible for bringing him down. The aftermath, however, is something that nobody could have anticipated.
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode mentions a police officer using lethal force and may be concerning and/or traumatic for some listeners. The Storage Papers aligns with organizations like Black Lives Matter in their stance against police brutality. This episode contains strong language, violence, gore, public shooting, death and general horror.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: On this week’s episode of The Storage Papers podcast, Jeremy receives a mysterious package and explores the various, disturbing contents. This was obviously sent from someone familiar with the papers, or at least the podcast. New connections are made to multiple known characters.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Animal death, gore, strong language, general horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Just a quick message to fill you all in on what's happening and what's to come on The Storage Papers.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: A brief message to listeners explaining my absence and the plan moving forward.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: San Diego local, Monique goes on a 6-month anniversary date with Miguel. Everything started out romantically, but quickly turned dreadful when they encountered a mysterious creature in the wilderness on Palomar Mountain. This week's witness statement will have you questioning yourself the next time you consider breaking the rules.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, injury, abduction, general horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Huge developments have occurred over the show's hiatus. In this week's episode, I will fill you in on my meeting with Ron Hammond as promised. Things have gotten real, and this is becoming much more than just a podcast! Some pieces begin to fall into place as our ad hoc team, if you want to call it that, comes together. Due to the nature of information shared on this episode, listeners may want to listen to the following episodes prior to listening to this week's:
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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Final preparations are being made for Season 2, airing March 3, 2020. I'm producing this trailer to give you a brief update of events happening during the break, as well as to give a little bit of insight about what's to come. Get ready for some insanely good stories!
CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, occult activities, general horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Jeremy makes connections between two documents discussed in this extra-length episode. First, Brianne Scanlon's letter to Ron Hammond describing early interaction with a familiar character. She seeks her brother, Ben's protection from her boyfriend when his behavior becomes peculiar and following the disappearance of a number of people in their church congregation. In addition, Jeremy shares a letter recently written to him directly involving the origin of the Storage Papers themselves, and shedding light on their original owner. Some personal risk is outlined moving forward forward with the podcast.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Blood, occult activities, general horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia
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SUMMARY: Psychologist, Dr. William Talbert's notes regarding one of his patients, Maxwell Stannard, who claims to be a werewolf. After just 5 sessions, Dr. Talbert believes Mr. Stannard suffers from clinical lycanthrope, but has a difficult time finding inconsistencies in his accounts.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Torture, gore, general horror
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermed
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SUMMARY: I recently sat down to document some of my own personal notes relating to an upcoming episode, which I don't normally air on the podcast. Almost immediately after I had begun recording, I thought I heard something. I was shocked when I played back the audio.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: A recent voice message spurs some focused research into the storage papers, which yields some familiar names. This week, Benjamin Scanlon's filed police report is presented, indicating he is being followed by a man with some very peculiar behavior and one distinguishing feature - his unnaturally wide grin.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: This week, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I will be sharing a letter with you. Written and included inside of a “thank you” card, it tells of a story beginning in the depression era about a haunting that is potentially still affecting the writer’s life today. Appearances, we learn, are not always what they seem to be.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: A group of teens goes camping in the Angeles National Forest and decide they'll put a local legend to the test, claiming to be able to summon the spirit of a girl that went missing there following World War 2. Unfortunately, one of the summoning teens disappears himself.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Explicit language
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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SUMMARY: The FBI interrogates a man who claims he has been taught “real magic”, and divulges an elaborate method to commit grand theft.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
SUMMARY: A single mother struggles to prevent her 7 year-old daughter from leaving their home in the middle of the night against her own will. Detective Glenn Speck interviews the witness to determine the potential connection between this case and several children who have gone missing in the neighborhood.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes involving child death and elements of possession
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: After a middle-of-the-night confrontation, I awoke to find this voice message. If you have any ideas about what it could possibly mean, please contact me directly!
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Marjorie DeLonge bereaves her partner, but not before they open a much-needed neighborhood shelter for cats. When they begin to mysteriously disappear, she conducts her own investigation and what she learns horrifies her to the core.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes involving death to animals, disturbing sounds and gore
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: A veteran cop recently partnered with a rookie bond at a pool hall after a long shift when they are visited by a mysterious elderly man with an agenda.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes involving potentially sensitive or triggering material such as public shootings and medical trauma.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.pers
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SUMMARY: A local detective sends evidence on a flash drive to a civilian going by the name Ron, seemingly asking for assistance for reasons unknown. Information contained on the flash drive may be the only evidence of a suspect involved in a recent homicide, but due to the seemingly paranormal nature of the footage, more information needs to be sought before any conclusions can be made.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes involving death, human remains, gore
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: A local man training for a marathon likes the scenic route along the lake, but when he hears something terrifying in the woods, he ends up running for his life after a gruesome discovery.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Themes involving death, human remains, gore
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: The good news: My teaser trailer seemed to gain some traction. The bad news: I received this audio file a few days after my teaser went live. Should I be worried?
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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SUMMARY: Before this podcast goes into full production, it's important to understand how I became the owner of these documents, and why I've decided to share their contents.
ABOUT: The Storage Papers is produced by Grinner Media LLC. It’s a fictional horror audio drama with episodes published every two weeks. Some topics may be sensitive for younger viewers. Transcripts and content warnings can be found on our website. For additional details, visit:
Thank you for listening to The Storage Papers. If you’re interested in bonus content, we share some of the documents within the papers on a monthly basis that don’t necessarily align with the main direction of Jeremy’s story… at least, as far as he can tell for now. For those and some other exclusive rewards for your support, you can find our Patreon campaign at patreon.com/grinnermedia. Or if you prefer to support the show another way, find our Ko-fi page at Ko-fi.com/grinnermedia.
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