The Stronger By Science Podcast
Remember: If you want your questions answered on a future episode, submit them using one of the following links: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
0:00:49 What is the best way to calculate volume for hypertrophy training?
0:10:23 How does marijuana affect recovery from strength and hypertrophy training when it’s smoked, eaten, or vaped?
0:24:06 How important are warm-ups, and what constitutes an effective warm-up? What are some common misconceptions about warm-ups?
0:37:26 Is it beneficial to include incline chest exercises in your program?
0:45:46 How is the concept of functional overreaching applicable in a hypertrophy training block and how often would you advise to use this technique? How would you best reap the benefits of supercompensation following a successful overreaching period?
0:54:51 Can you tell if you're a creatine non-responder by whether or not you gain weight when you start taking it?
1:08:40 What is the most pragmatic and valid way to objectively measure fatigue?
1:13:03 Is fasting more effective than normal calorie restriction when it comes to retaining muscle mass whilst losing body fat?
1:22:54 How do you make really, really good homemade ice cream?