John is a pioneer in the world of corporate responsibility and sustainable development -as a writer, consultant, and serial entrepreneur he has been at the forefront of sustainability thinking for four decades. John is the author or co-author of 19 books —- he is credited with coining key sustainability terms including environmental excellence, the triple bottom line, and People, Planet & Profit. He is also co-founder of four environmental and sustainability businesses, including SustainAbility. His latest, Volans, launched in 2008, is a future-focused business working at the intersection of sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation.
In this interview, John talks about key sustainability lessons and insights developed over this career—and how he sees the future of sustainability. He talks about the innovative work that Volans is doing with the United Nations Global Compact –and shares his optimism for technological innovation as a means to deal with climate change. John talks about the potential of exponential technologies, why he believes in stretch and exponential targets to impact climate change, and the power of breakthrough business models. Finally, John reflects on the appropriateness of existing financial investment models to finance green investment.
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